Stolen Salad

Hurrah! I managed to recreate the summer pasta salad that I like so much at Pete’s Frootique. My eyeballs identified the main ingredients when I first saw the lovely dish among the offerings at the Frootique – tortellini, cherry tomatoes, string beans, and parm. My taste buds told me there was lemon in the mix. AndContinue reading “Stolen Salad”

Opportunity cost of mini meatloaf

I’ve never been so fired up about math in all my life. In fact, I’ve always hated and struggled with math. Homework routinely ended in tears when I was a kid. I knew just enough to figure out the pre-calculus mark that would be pounded in harsh black typewriter ink onto the first report card of myContinue reading “Opportunity cost of mini meatloaf”

Sunny, lemony birthday

This is my friend, Yvette. She’s been one of my best friends since we met at age 13 in junior high. She was cute as a button then, and she still is. Just look at that smile. Today is her birthday. She’s posing here with her birthday present from her significant other. He not onlyContinue reading “Sunny, lemony birthday”

Sling shot with a smoothie

The new bus terminal in Dartmouth has a one-way bus lane that’s like a long skinny track around the building with numerous bays where the buses pull up to load and unload passengers. Most buses enter and exit at one end of the track, so those that pull up at the first couple of baysContinue reading “Sling shot with a smoothie”

Fabulous fish cakes

I’ve tried making fishcakes without a recipe before. They were meh. Then during one crazy busy week at work in June, I stumbled upon the recipe for fish cakes that I’ve savoured several times, mostly as a hungry cyclist at the end of a ride around the Aspotogan loop. The loop is a pleasant seasideContinue reading “Fabulous fish cakes”

A Baker’s Dozen…Almost

Christmas just isn’t Christmas without baking. I grew up with mom’s holiday standards: gumdrop loaf, brown sugar fudge, fruitcake for dad, pork pies (that don’t contain pork), and shortbread cookies in festive shapes that we kids loaded with coloured icing and sprinkles, hanging some on the tree and gobbling down more. I think my firstContinue reading “A Baker’s Dozen…Almost”