Grateful – January 31, 2022

Finally! Got one on the second try. Not beating myself up for usually taken about 4 tries, though. There’s only so much strategy that can go into it. A whole lot of it is purely chance. Enjoying this little game, making my brain work in a different way. Glad that I only have 80 archivedContinue reading “Grateful – January 31, 2022”

Grateful – January 29, 2022

How cozy it is to hibernate indoors while a storm rages outside. Ok the 2 1/2 hours of shoveling while snow turned to freezing rain and then rain was less cozy. But when I slopped my dripping self back indoors, I appreciated my hibernation creature comforts even more. Hot shower. Roaring fire. Food in myContinue reading “Grateful – January 29, 2022”