Grateful – April 25, 2022

I drove all over creation this evening looking for unscented kitty litter. Must be a supply chain issue, they didn’t have it when I picked up groceries last night so I sniffed a container of other stuff, thought I could stand it but was sorely disappointed when I got home. So I hunted this evening and after three grocery stores, finally found some at Walmart. Am I happy about this adventure? No. Was every little thing ticking me off? Yes. But did I get more movement than I normally would traipsing through 4 parking lots and 4 stores and carrying 24 pounds of litter the full length of the Mumford Walmart, up those concrete stairs and across the Sobeys lot to my car? Yes I did. And bonus – it’s still double digits outside so all windows are wide open to banish the vile smell that permeated the entire house in a mere 24 hours.

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