Gratitude – Day 26

Tuesdays are long. Up at 5 a.m. to study, full work day, teach a fitness class at 5:30 p.m. (after my fitbit has told me I’m already done for the day – hah), then off to get groceries 10% off with my Dal card. It’s 9 p.m. and I’m just now eating supper. But I wouldn’t trade up that fitness class for a leisurely evening, no sir. My participants always thank me, but they give back more than they will ever know. They give me a full hour, every week, when I think about nothing else but the cue I’m going to give in five seconds. There’s no monkey mind when I teach, it’s as in the moment as ever get. They also give me an outlet for my goofy side, the chance to play and move with music, to be creative. They’re good sports, allowing me to move them outside their comfort zone to be silly or try something challenging. And they smile. I thank them regularly for sharing their Tuesday nights with me.

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